

Multispectral surveys.

A real flying laboratory, our drones carry one or more sensors according to the measurements to be taken: biomass estimation, chlorophyll rate, water stress or simple images (for example, to estimate damage caused by pests or locate sick trees forest).

After collecting the raw data captured during the flyover, the information will be analyzed and interpreted by our Agricultural Engineers, to draw up vital recommendations. With what the cartography has revealed, we will be able to dose the chemical additives more finely according to the areas of the plot, to direct the areas where to intervene.

There are many applications: calculating doses of nitrogen fertilizers (wheat and rapeseed), monitoring biomass production (pastures) and, tomorrow, detecting leaf diseases and weeds.

The use of our drones evolves as fast as their technologies.

It will soon be possible to directly integrate the data acquired by the drone into precision agriculture software, for example, to target fertilizer distributors, and several other applications currently under study.